Schnitt Talk S1E22: ED & Sex Toys Ft. Cosmo's Faye Brennan

S1E22 The Ups and Downs of E.D. with Faye Brennan

On this week’s episode of Schnitt Talk, we talk Cosmopolitan magazine’s April Issue with their sex and relationships director Faye Brennan. Faye was our very first guest way back in November! So this was a heck of a lot of fun. The articles she was in charge of this issue were about erectile dysfunction and the top sex toys/accoutrements of 2019, so we did a little learning. Hopefully you learn a thing or two– I know I did!! Turns out, 80% of millennial guys are experiencing ED, whether that’s performance anxiety or whiskey dick, and it’s mainly a mental game. If you want to learn what to do if it happens to you (because chances are, it happens to you), be sure to take a listen.

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